Success Story

    UNC Charlotte Enhances Efficiency and Visibility with JAGGAER eProcurement

    UNC Charlotte Enhances Efficiency and Visibility with JAGGAER eProcurement

    The University

    UNC Charlotte was one of the metropolitan universities created to meet the need for workforce skills and expertise sparked by modern technologies. The institution has grown in size and mission to become the region’s preeminent research university, addressing today’s critical needs in business, technology, health care, energy and education. Discovery, learning and collaboration take place on two campuses in Charlotte: a vibrant 1,000-acre campus in University City and an Uptown site designed specifically to meet the needs of an urban center.

    The challenge

    UNC Charlotte relied on the Banner ERP system to create purchase requisitions. However, communication with suppliers and processes such as purchase orders and invoicing remained manual. For example, to pay vendors, UNC Charlotte had to mail them a check. Records and documents could be misplaced, leading to further inefficiencies.

    The solution

    After implementing JAGGAER, UNC Charlotte automated many processes, including eProcurement, eInvoicing and direct payments with ACH (automated clearing house). It has also automated supplier and contract management with JAGGAER software. “Not only can we place orders with suppliers more quickly and process payments electronically. We also have much greater visibility thanks to Contracts+, and we have customizable workflows with notifications and audit trails, giving us full visibility of current status and approvals,” says Denice Ferguson. Put simply: “It makes it easier for users on campus to get the things they need,” she adds. For procurement, it means getting a better handle on spend.

    All in one

    “We’ve eliminated the inefficiencies of manual effort. Plus, procurement and buyers don’t have to go into the ERP system to look for information. Everything is here, on one platform. That’s the key benefit of JAGGAER,” concludes Ferguson.

    Maturity Assessment

    Take this quick Autonomous Commerce Maturity Assessment now to identify your maturity stage and the next steps to take in your journey.