
    8 Steps to Get your Procurement Organization AI-Ready

    8 Steps to Get your Procurement Organization AI-Ready

    Your Ultimate Guide

    Artificial intelligence (AI) solutions seem to be popping up everywhere – with many procurement pundits reporting that more than half of the world’s supply chains, procurement organizations, and financial professionals are already preparing to make major investments in AI over the next several years. But with  autonomous procurement still another five years down the road, why do you need to start leveraging AI technologies now?

    Because like human brains, smart technology needs time to train and learn from your organization’s behavior to reach its full potential. So, if you start preparing your people, data (large amounts of data), and processes today, you’ll be far ahead of the curve – and the competition – by the time AI in procurement goes mainstream.

    To help jump-start your AI journey, we’ve developed a checklist with the five key activities you and your procurement team need to start working on today:


    • Collaboration Strategy – Who you need to team up within your organization to define where AI should be used and why
    • Process Automation & Optimization – Defining risk tolerances of automated processes
    • Data Integration – What you need to do to your data to ensure it is ready to use with an AI-based procurement solution
    • Change Management – Training that is mission-critical to ensure proper implementation and adoption of a software solution
    • Costs & ROI – Identifying the costs, benefits, and ROI from implementing AI

    As you move through this checklist it is vital to work closely with your service provider to ensure you both are focused on the key issues for your business.

    Don’t wait to invest in AI!

    Smart technologies are already here and have made their way into many procurement processes. Now is the perfect time to get ahead of the curve by preparing for AI in procurement in your organization.

    Download the free AI-ready checklist now! 

    Additional Resources

    Maturity Assessment

    Take this quick Autonomous Commerce Maturity Assessment now to identify your maturity stage and the next steps to take in your journey.