
    Suppliers Ratings and Carbon Action Module


    Sustainability Ratings for Procurement

    Integrate critical and actionable supplier sustainability intelligence with JAGGAER Supplier Management


    Integrate sustainability risk and performance

    Instant match of a Customer’s Jaggaer Advantage suppliers to their existing EcoVadis ratings.Full access to EcoVadis sustainability ratings and scorecards from within the Jaggaer. Supplier Management Module.

    Actionable sustainability scorecards

    Quick access to a high-level summary of your supplier’s sustainability performance. Includes: Company info, customizable tagging, alerts, performance medals, the overall score, theme scores, weighting and improvement indicators.

    Strengths, Improvement Areas and Collaboration

    Scorecards allow you to: Benchmark suppliers against peers by country/industry. Identify strengths and improvement areas. Collaboratively manage corrective actions / improvement plans.

    360° watch findings integrated into scores

    EcoVadis tracks over 10k third-party data points to provide a full 360 view of ratings and monitoring. Sources include: Government agencies, Compliance Databases, Sustainability networks, International organizations, NGOs, Trade Unions, Specialized Press.

    Dashboard for network views and KPI tracking

    Reporting and Dashboards allow you to view performance across all rated businesses within your network, and track improvement over time across your network.

    Sustainability Intelligence for Jaggaer Supplier Management : EcoVadis assesses thousands of companies on their sustainability management systems. The resulting sustainability scorecards can be used by suppliers and trading partners to gain or retain business, and enterprise clients can use this supply chain data to drive sustainable procurement programs. Sustainability ratings drive more stakeholder engagement than “Risk”.