Guide and eBook

    Think Global, Act Local, Go Digital: Sourcing for Manufacturing

    Think Global, Act Local, Go Digital: Sourcing for Manufacturing

    Each year, procurement misses out on millions of dollars in savings.

    Why? Because most organizations haven’t implemented the right eSourcing tool. Category management concepts did are  Implemented incorrectly, or did are missing important data result in longer lead times and many missed opportunities for procurement. Time-consuming routine tasks take up time that would be better spent on more important projects.    

     Automation in sourcing not only reduces process costs by up to 80%, but it also provides companies with the tools and data they need to maximize the value and effectiveness of their global sourcing strategies. The right tool can help procurement tackle many classic sourcing challenges, such as global category management,  negotiating better prices, making better award decisions, risk management and transforming negotiated savings into realized savings that impact the bottom line. 

     Download our Sourcing eBook and learn from 5 top manufacturing companies how to optimize your global sourcing processes and add value with digital tools: 


    • Reduce your process costs by up to 80% 
    • Implement your category strategies worldwide  
    • Increase global transparency and negotiate better prices 
    • Accelerate your decision and award processes 
    • Include your entire global supply base 

    Additional Resources

    Maturity Assessment

    Take this quick Autonomous Commerce Maturity Assessment now to identify your maturity stage and the next steps to take in your journey.