JAGGAER Implementation Methodology

A Foundation for Success

JAGGAER is committed to ensuring you receive the maximum return on your investment. Through our wide range of services and support options, we help you optimize your software solutions to meet your business needs, transform your business processes, and streamline your supply chain.

The JAGGAER Implementation Methodology, built with strong project governance and experience with hundreds of successful implementations, provides the foundation for your organization’s JAGGAER solution.




The JAGGAER Professional Services team understands that it’s not all about the software. By using a collaborative approach and proven methodology with our best-of-breed solutions, our clients receive maximum return on investment, reduce risk, and achieve end-user adoption and overall satisfaction. The pillars of JAGGAER’s methodology include:

  • A collaborative and transparent project environment
  • World-class project management throughout the lifecycle of every implementation
  • Established and accelerated training programs using a blended and layered learning model that provides the right level of training services at the right time
  • An implementation focus tailored to specific client needs using real people, showing real scenarios, and using real data to foster understanding of the relevance to their environment and processes
  • A strong commitment to customer success

The JAGGAER Services Team offers a broad portfolio of services to help you successfully implement your solutions, whether you are a new customer or want to add more modules and features.

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JAGGAER’s methodology is based on forming a true partnership with the client.  The JAGGAER Professional Services team provides guidance to each client using a well-defined solution process and a phased approach for all projects.

Our services include initial deployment, overall project governance, day-to-day project management, business process and solution consulting, and technical consulting.

We rely on an event-based approach using project phases to ensure a predictable project experience and to accelerate the speed in which JAGGAER solutions deliver value. Our teams work closely with clients to understand customer-specific needs and goals in order to recommend JAGGAER best practices for a solid foundation.


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The Initiate Phase includes Project Initiation, Preliminary Project Governance, and an early view of goals and objectives.

Project Initiation

The Project Initiation step lays the groundwork for the entire project. During this step, the JAGGAER team conducts an internal hand-off from Sales and begins to understand the project objectives. The team will then assess readiness, perform some preliminary discovery, and establish both project governance and the project team.

The most important part of Project Initiation is confirmation of the client’s business objectives, goals, and strategy. These priorities are the metric by which subsequent decisions can be judged. The goal of Project Initiation is to ensure that all team members fully understand and embrace these priorities.

Initial Project Governance

The JAGGAER methodology includes project team structure, a formal communication plan, business process documentation, acceptance, change control processes, and the escalation matrix.

As part of the overall project communication plan, JAGGAER establishes a communication path for the client team to facilitate coordination of actions and plans.


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The Plan phase includes Introduction and Planning, Project Kickoff, Final Project Governance and Team Alignment, Product Orientation/Demo, and Integration Strategy Definition (if applicable).

Introduction and Planning

The client and JAGGAER teams gain alignment around project objectives, goals, timeline, and scope during this step.

During the Introduction and Planning step, the client and JAGGAER conduct a formal handoff from the JAGGAER Sales team to review the project scope, business drivers for the project, and the planned strategy/methodology for achieving them. Project success metrics, project risks, in-scope and out-of-scope business processes, change management strategy, and deployment strategy discussions are initiated at this point.

JAGGAER works with the client to define an initial project plan and confirm that the team has a thorough understanding of standard project operating procedures based on the scope defined in the statement of work. (e.g., acceptance criteria, change control process).

Project Kickoff, Final Project Governance, and Team Alignment

This step is used to align the team members around the objectives of the project, the capabilities of the solution, and the methodology that will be applied to realize the project’s success.

During the Team Alignment step, the official Project Kickoff is conducted including the JAGGAER core team, client core team, client project sponsors and client extended stakeholders. The objective of this event is to communicate the following to the full team:

  • Business objectives and business strategy
  • Definition of the team roles and responsibilities
  • Project timeline outline and when each role will be required during the project
  • Metrics that will be used to measure the overall success of the project
  • Overall project scope
Product Orientation / Demonstration JAGGAER leads the demonstration of scoped modules to provide a basic understanding of solution functionality and terminology to the core team prior to beginning configuration. This begins the start of a layered educational approach, proven to be highly effective with transfer of knowledge.


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The Configure Phase includes the effort to configure/refine the solution.  This includes Workshops, Functional and Technical Working Sessions and an End-to-End Demonstration of the solution.

Configuration Workshop and Ongoing Working Sessions

Members of the core project team collaborate with the JAGGAER team in a workshop to begin configuration of a fully integrated solution.

The client and JAGGAER work together to understand and validate business processes and, if applicable, establish initial connectivity between the various systems and begin integration design.

This workshop is an introduction to the solution for the core project team and a vehicle for understanding business processes.  Upon completion of the workshop, members of the team work together to continue configuration of the solution through functional and technical working sessions.

End to End Demonstration JAGGAER uses the End-to-End Demonstration to confirm configuration of the application and to gain their feedback. During this event, the JAGGAER consultant or, in many cases, the client, demonstrates client-specific business scenarios to these users and challenges them to imagine using the solution on a day-to-day basis. Since a new solution introduces new processes, users are introduced to our proposed processes for performing their daily tasks with the End-to-End Demonstration. By walking through these scenarios, we can validate whether these processes will prove successful for your organization.
Iterative Training Throughout the implementation process, informal product education will be an integral part of each working session. Clear understanding of the functionality and options available is critical. Iterative Training is client-specific, and focuses on both best practices and application knowledge. Providing this information in manageable amounts has proven to be a successful method of educating primary system users, who in turn become the community that supports and embodies the system.


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There are four primary components of the Validate phase, including Solution Preparation, Test Planning, and Solution Validation, which includes Test Script Execution and User Acceptance Testing.

Solution Preparation JAGGAER and the client finalize the configured solution and active integrations, if any, within the test environment. JAGGAER and the client also load data such as users, workflow approvers, and suppliers, accounting information, addresses, historical contracts, and custom fields.
Validation Planning Testing is a critical part of any successful implementation. The Validation Planning process is initiated early in the project and is finalized in this step. JAGGAER provides a sample test plan for each client to expand into a detailed test plan that reflects all business processes. A typical plan includes the participants, the location, the testing approach, the timeline for when scenarios will be complete, and roles and responsibilities for all team members involved.
Solution Validation

The project team performs comprehensive testing of the solution to validate the design using actual business scenarios.

Solution Validation testing is an extended period of time that starts immediately after the End-to-End Demonstration. The extended testing period gives the client adequate time to validate all business scenarios and make required adjustments. The following are some key activities performed during this phase:

  • Validate configurations through execution of business scenarios based on the test plan
  • Conduct regular meetings to ensure the testing of scenarios is tracking to the plan and to review reported issues or questions
  • Update the solution based on the testing results
  • Update the training documents to reflect the processes utilizing the solution

For some implementations, User Acceptance Testing begins when the Core Team has completed the majority of their testing.  This allows selected end users and other stakeholders to gain access to the solution and understand how their business processes will work.

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There are several components of the Enable phase, including Production Site Activation, Initial Walkthrough, Go Live Support, and Project Closeout.

Production Site Activation Following the completion of Solution Validation and User Acceptance Testing, and following Solution Acceptance, the JAGGAER team works with the client to activate the solution in production. Typically, this involves migrating desired configuration options into the production environment and confirming integrations. The testing activities above represent the final stage of the project.
Initial Event Walkthrough

Depending on the solution(s) being rolled out, the Initial Event Walkthrough will be conducted with the Core Team prior to releasing the system to the larger client base. This can include sending out live orders, hosting a sourcing event, completing contract negotiations and workflow, and so forth.

This controlled event is monitored for success. Once validated, the solution is ready for go-live.

Go-Live Support

Services following go-live include time for post-production support and additional end user or administrative training services, depending on the size and scope of the engagement.

Once the solution is in production, the client’s focus shifts to deployment and rollout activities to the user community.

Transition to Support and Project Closeout

JAGGAER’s project team facilitates a formal hand-over from Professional Services to its Global Support team, who provide ongoing maintenance and support. This event signifies closure of the implementation project.

The client is assigned internal support representative(s) who will begin to triage issues for submission to JAGGAER Client Support and continue to build knowledge of the solution.

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JAGGAER offers an optional Extended Care service with a dedicated JAGGAER representative supporting your system administrator during the initial production period. Clients with this service listed in their statement of work can opt to use the services listed below during the Extended Care period.

Training and Best Practices The JAGGAER Extended care team can provide one on one training, product capability questions and guidance on solution administration best practices and coaching
Configuration Changes and Adjustments The Extended care team will assist with updates and adjustments to solution configuration and workflow along with format changes
Application and Integration Support The Extended Care team will assist with investigation and troubleshooting of issues and defect resolution
Deployment Support The JAGGAER Extended Care team will assist with configuration updates and system administration to enable deployment of the solution
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JAGGAER offers optional Change Management services related to the roll-out of a new JAGGAER implementation. There are multiple levels of Change Management support for which to choose. All change management service levels are listed below along with the deliverables included for each level. Clients who purchase this service will have the applicable activities listed in their Statement of Work.

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